Artifacts of the scavenger hunt
- Get academic: Share a recently published academic article or journal in your subject area that you would like to read and why. AI人工智慧批改作文的時代來臨了嗎?
The reason why I would like to read this article is because that it relates AI to writing class. How Mandarin teachers apply AI to class, and reinforce the learning experience and learning outcomes is a critical question. As a Mandarin teacher, I am willing to be able to apply AI to my class to help students better.
- Develop professionally: Share an upcoming conference or academic event that you would like to participate in and why. AI certification class The AI is the future, and I would love to learn more Ai knowledge and skills to reinforce my teaching abilities.
- Build life skills: Host a scavenger hunt activity for your students on life skills or social-emotional learning and take a picture of items collected by students. SEL items collected by students.
- Create awareness: Implement an activity with students to overcome any one stereotype towards culture, ethnicity, gender, or learning differences. Movie activity
.This activity is from my last lesson plan, and the activity is to try to motivate students to be interested in literature piece of western world instead of video games. They can understand more about the different ways to tell a story, and the meanings behind the story and the characters, and the different thoughts in western culture background.
- Create a memory: Take a picture with your cohort with any educational prop.

- Find common ground: Show pictures of a hobby or interest that you share with a teacher colleague at your school. (e.g. pictures of you and your colleague trekking) My colleagues are shy. But we have sunbath together.
- Get social: Add a post on the Twitter hashtag #tncohort or on the Facebook Cohorts community page with one important thing you learned during your clinical practice. OK
- Share an achievement: Share the biggest learning challenge you faced in the program and how you overcame the challenge. Keeping norms and rules is my challenging. I find out that it is really helpful that the instructor keeps from attitude, and focuses on teaching itself, and the students will focus and participate. However, although the students like the ways I teach and participate actively in class activities, I still need to put more effort to let students follow the norms and rules.
- Get personal: Share one professional ethic that you always live by. “We live and learn.” I will never stop learning, and apply new things I learn to my lessons to help students.
- Get finished: Complete and submit your e-Portfolio that you started in the beginning of the program. OK